Dental-Related Tidbits and Fun Facts

Did you know that the stern-faced farmer who American artist Grant Wood used as the model for his famous painting "American Gothic" was actually his dentist? Yes, it's true.

A Few Other Random, Dental-Related Tidbits
  • The first chewing gum was "chicle"—sap from Sapodilla trees. Chicle dates back to Aztec times when people boiled and cut it into blocks for chewing.
  • You may have once heard that George Washington's false teeth were made of wood. They weren't. They were made of ivory, lead, and hippopotamus teeth.
  • The average person produces 100,000 gallons of saliva during their lifetime—enough to fill 200 bathtubs!
  • Before toothbrushes, people used shredded twigs to clean their teeth.
  • An average person exerts 30-40 pounds of pressure per square inch with their jaw muscles.
  • One in 2,000 babies is born with some teeth already grown in. Usually, these extra teeth can be pulled and the child will still grow a full set of baby teeth.
  • During the middle ages, some people believed that kissing a donkey would relieve a toothache, and that stealing someone's tooth could help them grow a new one of their own. Silly folks.
  • Rabbit's and squirrel's teeth never stop growing. They continuously wear them down by gnawing on whatever is handy.

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